Claim (#4226) Approved

4 August 2021, 00:52:00 UTC (3 years ago)
6 August 2021, 07:01:16 UTC (3 years ago) by Cryptickoi


adding a second form to tira!
Second form trait addons
-light wings (tame afflic) (also adding a rare token for the wings just incase I need it!)
-and glowing body (tame afflic)



Reward Amount
Rare Upgrade Token 1



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Rare Upgrade Token Received rewards from opening Trait Token Chest (3) N/A 1
Magic Mirage Purchased from The General Store by mythiqque for 300 Aphex Coins. Purchased 15 May 2021, 16:21:41 UTC 1
Afflicted Looking Glass Purchased from The General Store by BitterVoidsent for 400 Aphex Coins. Purchased 3 August 2021, 22:05:07 UTC 1
Afflicted Looking Glass Purchased from The General Store by BitterVoidsent for 400 Aphex Coins. Purchased 3 August 2021, 22:05:14 UTC 1

BitterVoidsent's Bank

Currency Quantity