Claim (#7875) Approved

20 November 2023, 16:03:47 UTC (1 year ago)
17 December 2023, 18:34:09 UTC (1 year ago) by Hexomaniac


tame affliction: controls shape of minerals in body, for example can move all mineral to hand like a glove, or scatter mineral spots all over body like stars. Does not affect minerals outside of body.

(I hope this counts as tame! If not, breathing underwater is a tame affliction directly listed on the afflictions page that sorta would be useful to him i guess)


Reward Amount


XODE-2209: Yarr

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Laggingbehindreality's Bank

Currency Quantity