Pearlescent Scale
Resell Price: 100
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Legend:
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:Β
Alert Affliction Item: Pearlescent Scale
Allows the user to have a second "Sea Glider" form when the user comes in contact with water.
Form Requirements
- Gills can be visible or not.Β
- "Wings" are large fins on the back that can vary slightly in appearance, should always be made of skin.Β
- The tail needs to keep the generic mermaid appearance but fins can be any style. (No Octopus or strange tails)
- No limit of fins for the second form.Β
- Traits can be on the second form and not shown on the first, such as Horns|Uncommon (Sea Glider Form).
- For Shingalings the tail can be scaled or made of fabric.Β
A pearlescent scale said to be dropped by the Sea Nomad after long journies from distant oceans.