Eye of the Forgotten
Resell Price: 60 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Rare
Compatibility: All Main Species (If they do not have eyes, this is placed where eyes would presumably be).
Type Type:Â
Alert Affliction: Eye of the Forgotten
This item replaces one of the wearer's eyes*, it is can vary in colour but appear almost like it is glowing with energy. Whilst wearing the eye the user can see things others cannot, such as scent trails, hidden objects, doors and other's hidden intentions. This also includes souls of others and hidden intentions.Â
*If the character doesn't have eyes, this is placed where eyes would presumably be. Etc in the eye socket of Dephx, on the head of Ethren. Nadires have this gem positioned on their mask. Shingalings have the gem in one of the mouth sockets.
Said to be made by an ancient treasure seeker this item was crafted for the soul use of seeing the unseen, it has since been crafted many times over due to its popularity with treasure-seeking Aphex.
Gargoyle Statue
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required:Â level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Gargoyle Statue
Turns the character's body into stone during the day, this can be as a still statue or a moving statue. Stone can have moss on its form, or cracks but should be a copy of the character in stone. Stone can be painted or raw. This can be shown in their gallery as a reference. When in their stone form, it is possible to slowly heal from any injuries (Fatal/Non) from their flesh form.Â
A small strange statue. It seems to have moved positions over the night...
Medusa's Mirror
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Rare
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type: Tame/Alert (Based on Lethality of snake)
Tame/Alert Affliction Item: Medusa's Mirror
Allows the user to have traits ending in a snake's head (The type of snake is up to the owner). This affliction applies to the end of a tail or the end of tentacles. Snakes can be controlled or have their own personalities.Â
A severely cracked and broken mirror... Seems the owner's hand is still attached to it.
Pearlescent Scale
Resell Price: 100 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Legend
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Pearlescent Scale
Allows the user to have a second "Sea Glider" form when the user comes in contact with water.
Form Requirements
- Gills can be visible or not.Â
- "Wings" are large fins on the back that can vary slightly in appearance, should always be made of skin.Â
- The tail needs to keep the generic mermaid appearance but fins can be any style. (No Octopus or strange tails)
- No limit of fins for the second form.Â
- Traits can be on the second form and not shown on the first, such as Horns|Uncommon (Sea Glider Form).
- For Shingalings the tail can be scaled or made of fabric.Â
A pearlescent scale said to be dropped by the Sea Nomad after long journies from distant oceans.
Singing Pearl
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Rare
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Singing Pearl
Gives the user a stunning voice that can communicate with the animals around them and/or control them. Can also lure the main species into a trance.
A fist-sized pearl found in the clams of the Harrow's ocean. The pearls are said to be incredibly heavy and hard to bring to the surface once found. These pears are usually turned into jewelry or adornments. Â
Coral Crown
Resell Price: 80 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Rare
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Coral Crown
Grants the ability to control water (specifically hydrogen) and change its current form. This includes freezing water instantly, turning water to superheated steam, melting and controlling ice as well as forcing it to rain for example. The user can also control the blood inside other beings to a small degree.Â
A special crown made of enchanted coral from the ecosystem residing outside the Harrow.Â
Magic Mirage
Resell Price: 100 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Legend
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:
Alert Affliction Item: Magic Mirage
Allows a second form to apply traits to. The method in which the character turns into this form is up to the user etc transformation at night, touching water, at will etc.Â
The second form must resemble/have the same design as the main image (Colour/Body shape-wise). Does not need to include traits from the first.Â
You are allowed to apply traits/items/Afflictions to either form separately or both at the same time for example:Â
Having large wings on the second form, but none on the first.
Having bat blood applied to the second form but not shown on the first.
If traits do not show on the first form they will be included as (Horns|Uncommon(Second Form).Â
You do not need two traits to apply the same trait on both forms.Â
For subspecies, their second form can be depicted as the main species they are derived from (with the same markings/patterns).Â
Submit a claim with the image (and items) attached to apply to your character. We request you include the traits used on the second form. This image will show up in the character's image section.
A small cluster of opalescent blue crystals all tied together with sliver in the shape of a ring.Â
Crystalized Koi
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species +Companions +Licensed Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Tame Affliction Item: Crystalized Koi
Allows the body to be made fully/partially of water that stays in place. Water can be any colour. Can be filled with fish/small aquatic creatures or aquatic plants. Traits can also be converted to water, etc horns, wings. Bones can be left inside the water (simplified or detailed).Â
No other items can be added.
A small citrine Koi. It seems to twitch as if alive.Â
Kelp Rock
Resell Price: 30 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Tame Affliction Item: Kelp Rock
Allows fur to be turned into seaweed/kelp. If out of the water the kelp/seaweed can drift in the air as if it has no gravity.Â
A small rock covered in seaweed. The plant growth seems to glow softly.Â
Piñata BonBon
Resell Price: 40 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species +Companion +Licensed Species
Required: level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Tame Affliction Item: Piñata BonBon
Turns the user's fur into confetti and their insides to candy. Substantial damage to the user's body will still result in illness or death.Â
A large colorful bonbon. Is it filled with treats?Â
The Devil's Geode
Resell Price: 60 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Rare
Compatibility: Any Main Species +Companions +Licensed Species
Required:Â level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: The Devil's Geode
Turns the user's insides to crystal. When they sustain damage, it exposes the crystal inside but can/will heal over time. The user can sustain more damage than normal but will die if their body can no longer support their weight or they lose their head. Grants immortality from old age.Â
When shown visually, the crystal inside needs to be a known gem. For example; Quartz, Ruby, Diamond. No metals or others.Â
A small geode pulled from the depths near the last resting place of the Beaked Devil. Many say that it gives you a strange feeling when these rocks are touched. Cracking them open exposes the gem inside...but also releases the magic inside..Â
Sapphire Spiral Pendant
Resell Price: 60 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required:Â level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Sapphire Spiral Pendant
Grants the ability to see a being's past lives upon touching their body. The wearer can "read" another's soul's imprints and see visions of who they used to be.
Magic +2
A small spiral pendant... its form feels oddly organic.
Crycal Worm
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: All Main +Companions +Licensed Species
Type Type:Â
Tame Affliction: Crycal Worm
Allows the user's tail/s to end in a unique mouth.
This item is applied to the tail of the user (In special cases like Shingalings, the tail remains of its material). This mouth can be any style, adding eyes must be from a trait. This mouth can be larger than the user's head, but shouldn't be larger than 50% of the body. If the user has multiple tails then this item can be used on the additional tails as well. It is user preference if the tail is controlled or has a mind of its own.
To use this item, edit/redraw the image of your character and submit it as a redesign with this item attached.
A strange worm-looking creature. Many say a bite from this can cause strange side effects.
Plushie Arm
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Rare
Compatibility: All Main +Companions +Licensed Species
Type Type:Â
Tame Affliction Item: Plushie Arm
Allows the character to be made of plush and stuffing.
This item allows the character's skin/features to be made of fabric, and the organs/insides to be replaced with stuffing, bones remain(Optional). The anatomy must remain the same as the base species (Paws/chibi anatomy can not be used). Buttons can be added with the horn trait, eyes must keep normal anatomy if they have eyes. Plush features can be used only on traits or on the whole body. Stitches can be used for fabric areas, Zippers need to be a tame affliction or item to be added.
To use this item, edit/redraw the image of your character and submit it as a redesign with this item attached.
A soft arm, it seems from a doll...but why is there a bone inside?
Dirt Cube
Resell Price: 30 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: All Main +Companions +Licensed Species
Trait Type:Â
Tame Affliction Item: Dirt Cube
Grants the character dirt and/or grass features.
This item allows the body to be fully or partially covered in or made of dirt and grass. Daisies and small wildflowers are allowed amongst the grass. Dirt is compact and held in place by the magic of the affliction. Rocks can also be used in the dirt and applied to horn traits.Â
To use this item, edit/redraw the image of your character and submit it as a redesign with this item attached.
A large cube of dirt, It doesn't seem of much value... but it is an odd sight to see.
Amethyst Spiral Pendant
Resell Price: 60 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
ICompatibility:Â Any Main Species
Required:Â level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Amethyst Spiral Pendant
This pendant gives the wearer the ability to influence others to fall asleep in their presence. This can be controlled, and the strength of this aura is based on their magic stat.Â
10 = mastered
Magic: +2
A small spiral pendant... its form feels oddly organic.
Citrine Spiral Pendant
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required:Â level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Tame Affliction Item: Citrine Spiral Pendant
This pendant inspires creativity and wonder in its wearer. It also grants strength to overcome negative traits such as fear and worry.
Wisdom: +2
A small spiral pendant... its form feels oddly organic.
Jar of Twitching Paint
Resell Price: 30 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species +Companions +Licensed Species
Required:Â level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Jar of Twitching Paint
Allows the user to have parts covered in paint (any colour). If this paint touches another surface or creature, it temporarily dyes it with its hue.
- Any coloured paint to be on the character's skin/traits.
- A "paintbrush" tail end covered in paint. (Please be mindful of species anatomy like Lockeys). This paintbrush tail can have a base of plastic/wood/metal to match a paintbrush appearance.Â
A large jar of rainbow paint... It seems to oddly twitch inside. Best leave it be.Â
Ruby Spiral Pendant
Resell Price: 50 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Uncommon
Compatibility: Any Main Species
Required:Â level 0+
Trait Type:Â
Tame Affliction Item: Ruby Spiral Pendant
This pendant helps restore vitality and energy levels. It gives the wearer a sense of confidence in oneself.Â
Max Energy +10
A small spiral pendant... its form feels oddly organic.
Possessed Claw
Resell Price: 60 AC
Category: Afflictions
Rarity: Rare
Compatibility: All Main Species + Compansions + Licensed Species
Type Type:Â
Alert Affliction Item: Possessed Claw
Allows the character to have phantom limbs around its body. These can interact with items and phase through them.
There is no limit to the number of limbs, these include the following: Arms, legs, heads. These limbs must clearly be ethereal/glowing and not directly attached to the body. Can be summoned or always present, so this power doesn't need to be visually shown.
A twitching hand...Is it possible it is alive?